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Waiting for Godot Review: TimeOut
“It’s been 70 years since the play premiered, and this production is evidence of its ongoing power. Purposefully ambiguous,
Waiting for Godot Review: New York Magazine
“WIT AND HUMANITY…REMARKABLY LIBERATING…Arin Arbus’s Waiting for Godot feels vigorous and down-to-earth. As a duo, Sparks and Shannon have all the
Waiting for Godot Review: Daily Beast
“EXCELLENT PRODUCTION…RIVETING…Michael Shannon and Paul Sparks bring a bracing comedic energy that makes sense of the play’s various absurdities and
Waiting for Godot: “Best Shows to See This Fall” –The New York Times
“Seeing Michael Shannon take on the role of Estragon in this Theatre for a New Audience production sounds especially exciting.”
Waiting for Godot: “What to See This Season” –The New Yorker
“I once saw its stars, Michael Shannon and Paul Sparks, crack each other up onstage so hard that they had
Waiting for Godot: “5 Shows to See in New York” –TheaterMania
“This Godot represents a reunion of two of the most unforgettable actors working on the New York stage… I’m expecting incredible things
Michael Boyd, 68, Who Invigorated the Royal Shakespeare Company, Dies
Michael Boyd, who led the Royal Shakespeare Company as artistic director from 2002 to 2012, a decade in which he
Prometheus Firebringer Review: New York Magazine
“Prometheus Firebringer is a quietly stunning, brain-jangling piece of work. Dense and yet lucid, somehow both harrowing and playful, the play-lecture
Prometheus Firebringer Review: New York Times
“’Prometheus Firebringer’ ask(s) audiences to consider what Dorsen — taking a line from the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler’s ‘The Age
American Theatre: The Dangers of AI Intoxication
“The piece riffs on the lost final play of Aeschylus’s Prometheus trilogy as a way of thinking about the relationship
New York Magazine: “Prometheus Firebringer & Waiting for Godot are plays we can’t wait to see this fall.”
S.H.: “Oh man, now I’m thinking of yet another solo show, also in Brooklyn: Annie Dorsen’s Prometheus Firebringer, which is coming
Observer: Fall Theater Preview: A Dozen Shows Gets You Back to (Drama) School
“A critic once described Samuel Beckett’s absurdist classic as “a play in which nothing happens, twice.” I can’t think of