World Theatre Project
For Grades 5-12
Instituted in 1984, the World Theatre Project is a 12-week in-school residency program that combines the experience of seeing a live performance of a Shakespeare (or other classical) play with in-depth classroom work for students and professional development for teachers. In this program, students develop reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language skills as they explore the play they are learning. Through writing exercises and dramatic activities, students interpret the story in their own voices, inspired by the Theatre for a New Audience production, and bring their work to fruition through the creation of an original performance. The program was designed with the belief that if properly prepared, young people will respond to the timeless themes of classical plays. Through the World Theatre Project, students use Shakespeare as a tool to hone their skills as artists, collaborators, thinkers, and leaders.
All lessons are hands-on and address the New York City Department of Education’s Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Theater and the New York State Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy.
Program Components
10 weekly classroom workshops
A Theatre for a New Audience-trained teaching artist works in partnership with the classroom teacher to lead theatre-based activities with the students that teach the plot, themes, language, characters, and inspire critical thinking about the play. The students then become engaged in their own artistic process as they create and rehearse their own original interpretation of the play.
6-8 hours of professional development workshops for teachers
The teaching artist leads participating teachers through a hands-on exploration of the curriculum guide where they refine strategies that will best serve their students. Additional planning time with the teaching artist enables teachers to craft literacy lessons that support and extend student learning.
Attendance at Theatre for a New Audience’s Off-Broadway production of Shakespeare or another classical play
Seen by students in morning matinees at the Theatre’s Polonsky Shakespeare Center in Downtown Brooklyn, this is the same full production also seen by regular theatergoers. Each matinee is followed by a Q & A with members of the cast.
A Culminating Event
Students create and perform their own interpretation of the play using classical text and their own original writing for parents, administrators, and their peers.
A Reflection Session
The teaching artist, students, and teachers reflect on the experience of the residency and culminating event.
Thanks to the support of various private and public funds, we are able to offer NYC public schools a subsidy that will cover approximately 75% of the program cost.
Program Info
For further information regarding our programs, please contact:
Lindsay Tanner
Education Director
T: 212-229-2819 ext. 18
E: [email protected]
Partner Schools
Theatre for a New Audience is currently seeking Partner Schools. Interested schools are invited to reach out to the Education Director for a conversation about goals and needs, to see if a World Theatre Project residency is the right fit for your school community.