Exploring Hamlet at The 92nd Street Y

Outside view of the Theatre for a New Audience

On Monday, March 23, Theatre for a New Audience presented An Evening With Shakespeare: Hamlet at the The 92nd Street Y. Christian Camargo, who plays Hamlet in our current production at The Duke on 42nd Street, and Alyssa Bresnahan, who plays Gertrude,√Ǭ†read excerpts from the play. Jeffrey Horowitz, the√Ǭ†Theatre’s√Ǭ†Artistic Director, then moderated a discussion between Camargo, Bresnahan, Hamlet director David Esbjornson, and Cicily Berry, Director of Voice for the Royal Shakespeare Company.√Ǭ†Among other topics, they discussed challenges of producing Shakespeare today, and the relevence of perfoming Hamlet at this time in history. They also took questions from members of the audience, which numbered more than 250.

For information about future events of this kind, please join our mailing list. Tickets to Hamlet, which plays March 19 РApril 12, are available at http://duke.new42.org/.

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