Producers Circle

Producers Circle

The Producers Circle is Theatre for a New Audience’s distinguished donor society, committed to supporting the artists who work with the Theatre. One hundred percent of donations from Producers Circle members underwrite the bold and innovative artists who work on our stage and in our arts in education programs.

Donation Form

Recognition Name:

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By joining the Producers Circle, you help Theatre for a New Audience and our artists to fulfill our mission, while ensuring the artistic quality and integrity of our work. In recognition of your integral role, the Theatre is pleased to offer the following benefits:


Value of Benefits $200


✓  Recognition list in production Playbills and on website

✓  Access to purchase prime location house seats through Theatre for a New Audience’s Development office*

✓  An invitation for two (2) to Opening Celebration performances and receptions for three shows in the season*

✓  An invitation for two (2) to the Annual Producers Circle reception with the Artistic Director and season artists


Value of Benefits $396


All of the above benefits plus:

✓  An invitation for two (2) to any performance of each of the season’s productions, including Opening Celebration performances and receptions*

Artistic Director's Society

Value of Benefits $421


All of the above benefits plus:

✓ A special gift from the Founding Artistic Director or one of our artists

*Subject to availability.

Donors may waive membership benefits, in whole or in part, when making their contribution. If benefits that have an associated value are not utilized by the donor by the conclusion of the season, they may request an updated tax acknowledgment.

For information on making gifts of stock, corporate matching gifts or gifts in honor of/memory of click Additional Ways to Give.

For more information on supporting Theatre for a New Audience please contact James Lynes, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 646-553-3886, or by email

Download a Producers Circle Form if you would prefer to mail or fax your gift. Theatre for a New Audience’s mailing address and fax number are on the form.

Theatre for a New Audience is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization.