Observer: Fall Theater Preview: A Dozen Shows Gets You Back to (Drama) School

Three different frames of different scenes. First is a group photo of a cast Second is a man looking out and the city in the background. The last one is a woman with a hiking backpack on talking with a woman sitting on a lounge chair.

“A critic once described Samuel Beckett’s absurdist classic as “a play in which nothing happens, twice.” I can’t think of two actors I’d rather see do nothing than Michael Shannon and Paul Sparks. For decades, these earthy, intense men—menacing, funny, haunted, vulnerable—have done wonders in edgy new plays. Now they get to shine (well, grumble and shuffle) in the grandaddy of all experimental drama, as two tramps on an apocalyptic wasteland contemplating life’s meaninglessness. Spoiler alert: Godot doesn’t show up.”

Read more from Observer here.

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