Bloomberg Speaks About Schools

Outside view of the Theatre for a New Audience

On January 12, Mayor Bloomberg gave his State of the City Address at the Morris High School Campus, home of Morris Academy for Collaborative Studies (MACS) in The Bronx. He focused on education, and also highlighted The Bronx as a “borough of innovators,” citing MACS’s award-winning robotics program as an example.

Theatre for a New Audience is proud to partner with MACS, serving the school’s 9th and 10th grade students with 13-week residencies in both playwriting and Shakespeare. Our playwriting program, the New Voices Project, provides students with the tools to create written work in the dramatic medium for the empowerment of their own voices. Students in our Shakespeare program, the World Theatre Project, will see the Theatre’s off-Broadway production of The Taming of the Shrew and participate in hands-on lessons exploring the play and Shakespeare’s language. Both programs will culminate with performances at the school in early June.

For more information on the Theatre’s education programs, please click here.

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