Another Party!

Outside view of the Theatre for a New Audience

tje Surprise Raffle: Rachel Lovett and Ezra Knight
Above left: Kate Whoriskey, Daniel Breaker, and Robert Neff Williams
Above right: Surprise Raffle: Rachel Lovett and Ezra Knight

The second Brooklyn Leadership Council evening in Brooklyn was hosted by Bob Buckholz and Lizanne Fontaine, who graciously opened their home to the Theatre and invited their friends to discover who we are and learn about our plans to establish our home in Brooklyn.

During the evening, our Artistic Director, Jeffrey Horowitz, and Board Chairman, Ted Rogers, spoke of the past, the present and the future of the Theatre. Artists from various productions who joined us for the evening shared their experiences working with the Theatre.

In addition to the artists, guests new to the Theatre had the opportunity to meet Board Members and other supporters.

Above: Board Chairman Ted Rogers

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