Nigel Gore
Recent: Women of Will (Bedlam); The Dadda, Entertaining Mr. Sloane (ACP - Gene Frankel); Voltaire, Emilie du Chatelet Defends her Life Tonight (Duende NYC); Scrooge, Christmas Carol, 2021 & 2022; York/Dick the Butcher, Henry VI Part 2; Gloucester, King Lear, w/Christopher Lloyd; Prospero, The Tempest (Shakespeare and Company); George, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (Eliot Norton Award Outstanding Actor). Off-Broadway: Dr. Rank, A Doll’s House; Ostermark, The Father (TFANA). Pickering, Pygmalion; Col. Brandon, Sense & Sensibility; Dorn, The Seagull (Bedlam). Regional: Enobarbus, Antony & Cleopatra; Killigrew, Nell Gwynne (Folger DC); Richard, Richard III; Macbeth, Macbeth; Bottom, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Colorado Shakes).