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Wedding Band Review: New York Magazine

“An elegant production…a masterpiece…Alice Childress cuts deep with Wedding Band, exposing anti-Blackness down at the American bone.” Read more from New York Magazine here. Wedding Band is now playing through May 15. Click here to learn more and buy tickets.

Wedding Band “The Rediscovery of a Lost Black Playwright” – New Yorker

“The playwright Alice Childress, who lived from 1916 to 1994, never saw her work produced on Broadway. Unlike some of her Black contemporaries—Lorraine Hansberry, August Wilson—she wasn’t canonized or widely taught. In her later years, “she felt like she had been forgotten,” the dramaturge Arminda Thomas said the other day. Lately, though, Childress has been…Read More »

Wedding Band Review: The Wrap

“Awoye Timpo directs this superb production of Wedding Band …A Cinemascope production for this simultaneously intimate and sprawling story. Jason Ardizzone-West’s set uses every inch of the theater and even a few we didn’t know about until he and Timpo reveal them to us in a thrilling conclusion. Read more from The Wrap <”>here. Wedding Band is…Read More »

Wedding Band Review: ★★★★ New York Stage Review

“Good taste deserves to sell. For a prime example: this powerful revival of Alice Childress’ Wedding Band.” Read more from New York Stage Review <”>here. Wedding Band is now playing through May 15. Click here to learn more and buy tickets.

Wedding Band Review: New York Theater

“The overdue resurrection of Alice Childress continues with this first New York production in half a century of ‘Wedding Band,’ her richly resonant story of an interracial couple set in 1918 South Carolina…It is hard to imagine a more beautifully rendered, exquisitely acted version of this rarely seen drama.” Read more from New York Theater <”>here.…Read More »

Wedding Band Review: TheaterMania

“A breathtakingly powerful production…By turns hilarious and gut-wrenching, this production of Wedding Band needs to be seen.” Read more from TheaterMania here. Wedding Band is now playing through May 15. Click here to learn more and buy tickets.

Playbill: 21/22 Season Announcement

“Will Eno’s Gnit to Return to TFANA for 2021–2022 Season. The Off-Broadway company will also present a play by Alice Childress and a Shakespeare take directed by Arin Arbus.” —Playbill Click here to read more on our 2021–22 season from Playbill.

The New York Times: SWINGIN’ THE DREAM

“Shakespeare, Swing and Louis Armstrong. So What Went Wrong? Three theaters are exploring “Swingin’ the Dream,” which tanked on Broadway in 1939, but opens a window on the racial and artistic dynamics of its time.” —The New York Times Click here to read more on Swingin’ the Dream in The New York Times.   Presented by…Read More »

The New York Times: MAD FOREST

College Students Colonize the Divided Romania of ‘Mad Forest’ In a livestream production of Caryl Churchill’s 1990 tale of riot-torn Bucharest, quarantined Bard acting students grapple with revolution. Read the full article by Ben Brantley on The New York Times here.


SOLIDARITY If the founding principles of democracy are that we all are created equal, entitled to equal justice and the right to life, why, despite these principles, does the blight of systemic racism in America continue to perpetuate death, inequality and injustice? Why are so many members of the Black community, indigenous people and people…Read More »