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THE NEW YORK TIMES: Adrienne Kennedy’s Beautiful Nightmare

They are at their exquisite peak, this boy and girl stepping through the shadows. They are far enough from childhood to be fully formed but not yet coarsened by adulthood, as delicate of limb and feature as mantelpiece figurines. Only the slight differences in the shades of their perfect skins suggest they are not a…Read More »

The New Yorker: Adrienne Kennedy’s Startling Body of Work

Kennedy’s most recent work for the stage, “He Brought Her Heart Back in a Box” (evocatively directed by Evan Yionoulis, in a Theatre for a New Audience production, at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center), is smaller than her previous plays but is shaped like the shimmering and original scripts that made Kennedy’s name in the nineteen-sixties…Read More »

Village Voice: Adrienne Kennedy Spins a Terrifying Tale of Poetry, Racism, and Doomed Love

Welcome to the mind of Adrienne Kennedy, the poet who refracts all of world history and its attendant cultural artifacts through the prism of the American shame, racism, and the personal agonies it has visited on generations of individuals. Winston Churchill —who is cited in the script as knowing friends of one of Montefiore’s leading citizens — said…Read More »

New York Times: 5 Shows to See if You’re in New York in January

The New York Times includes He Brought Her Heart Back in a Box as part of the “5 Shows to See if you’re in NY.” It’s a new year, which means it’s time to shed stale habits and blinkered perceptions. The New York theater is obligingly presenting a host of deliberately disorienting productions from an international array…Read More »

New York Times: Adrienne Kennedy, Playwright: Still Quiet, Still Bold, Still Furious

  WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — The playwright Adrienne Kennedy never wanted to move to Virginia. She spent 30 years living on the fourth floor of a brownstone on West 89th Street — her “little Victorian palace,” she called it. But the rent went higher. Her breath on the stairs came shorter. Just before she turned 80,…Read More »

Vulture: 23 Exciting Theater Productions Taking the Stage in 2018

Vulture Magazine names HE BROUGHT HER HEART BACK IN A BOX as one of 23 Exciting Theater Productions Taking the Stage in 2018: Theater for a New Audience expands upon its familiar repertoire of classics with the first new play in ten years by the great Adrienne Kennedy, a formative voice in modern African-American drama and…Read More »

New York Times: A New Adrienne Kennedy Play Will Be Staged Next Year

Adrienne Kennedy, whose surrealism-tinged dramas have addressed race and violence in American society since the 1960s, will have a new play, her first in nine years, as part of the coming season at Theater for a New Audience.  The Theater for a New Audience season also includes “Marcel + The Art of Laughter,” a double…Read More »

Whither the ladies? by Helen E. Shaw

Theater for a New Audience: What a gorgeous season! Kudos to Jeffrey Horowitz. The theater literally has a picture of Shakespeare on the front of it, and yet it is managing to put women front and center. As I believe the Bard said in Love’s Labors Lost, “From women’s eyes, this doctrine I derive: hire them in droves.” Grade:…Read More »

New York Times: Don’t Say Clown if You Want a Sophisticated Audience

Theater: The Art of Clowning in Brooklyn If you’re trying to attract a sophisticated crowd, there are words it is wise to stay away from. Clown, for instance, comes freighted with associations: red noses, fright wigs, face paint, fear. So Theater for a New Audience is sagely touting Jos Houben and Marcello Magni, the European stars of…Read More »